Polish FMCG market

Polish Sweets – The Story

Friday, 10 February, 2012
The history of sweets is very long and interesting. They were probably discovered by The Egyptians 4 000 years ago. Fruit and nuts dipped in honey were at that time their sweet delicacies. In India, honey was a rarity at the time, accessible by very few. The others gorged on bananas boiled in milk. The Japanese have known sugar since the eighth century C.E. Now what is the history of Polish sweets?

The history of any company in the confectionery industry in Poland is associated with interesting events. It often goes back over 160 years ago. Many years of tradition, proven recipes that make the products reach their exceptional taste - are trademarks of Polish sweets. So let's look at the history of selected manufacturers of confectionery in Poland.  

In 1851 Karol Wedel founded his first factory in Warsaw on Miodowa Street. Wedel's products immediately won the hearts of the inhabitants of Warsaw. In 1862, Karol handed over the factory to his son Emil, who with his bold investments expanded the family business. He expanded the range and coverage of the sales of Wedel delicacies, and also opened a retail chain of company shops. In 1934 the company was passed on to Emil’s son - Jan Wedel, who built a new factory in Warsaw's Praga District. Two years later, Wedel sweets were known outside the country, for example in Paris, London, and even North America, and Japan. In 1936 the world famous Wedel Chocolate Covered Marshmallows (Ptasie Mleczko) was created. Since 1999 the company has been within the structural organisation of the global confectionery company Cadbury. Since 2010, Wedel has been part of The LOTTE Group - one of the strongest global sweets companies. It is also worth noting that some of the recipes used by Karol Wedel are still used to create chocolate.  

And now another story, connected with one of the most beautiful cities in Poland - Krakow. So, in 1898, Adam Piasecki founded his confectionery company there, and a few years later he opened a chocolate factory.  He opened his first shop at the Market Square in Krakow. His sweets have become synonymous with high quality and delicious tastes. However, in the twenties in Krakow strong competition appeared - A Chocolate Products Factory - Pischinger  and Suchard Chocolate Factory. After the Second World War, the three competing companies merged, and so, in 1951 "Wawel" Confectionery Plant was created. Over the years, due to the economic situation the company was privatized, later it became a public limited company, and in 2005 it changed its name to Wawel S.A. [Wawel JSC].  Also, the Wawel products alone tell their own story. For example, one of the oldest products – the Danusia candy bar was created out of love. Adam Piasecki wishing to express his feelings to one of its factory employees - a beautiful Danusia, developed an original recipe for a candy bar, which was given her name and her portrait was placed on the packaging. The first chocolate produced by Wawel was Malaga. Its history dates back to the late 60's, when the product was shaped by hand. In the early 70's the company began producing Kasztanki [‘Chestnuts’] and Tiki Taki chocolates.

The beginnings of today's Colian Group dates back to 1918, when fabryka Cukrow i Czekolady Lukullus [The Lucullus Sugar and Chocolate Factory] was established. In the twenties, the company already owned a retail chain of company shops in Pomerania. In 1922 the Tysler Brothers’ Factory was established. Factories that were devastated during the war were taken over by the state in 1945, and the plant at Warminski Street in Bydgoszcz, Poland, adopted the name Jutrzenka [Aurora] that functions up to the present. Four years later Pomorskie Zjednoczone Fabryki Cukrow i Czekolady  [The United Pomerania Sugar and Chocolate Factories] were established that connected the two factories, in 1951 the company was named Zaklady Przemyslu Cukierniczego Jutrzenka [Aurora Confectionery Plant]. In this story, Bydgoszcz Jutrzenka [Aurora] and Torun Kopernik [Copernicus]  joined and separated, until finally in 1993 they formed Przedsiebiorstwo Cukiernicze Jutrzenka S.A. [The Aurora Confectionery Company JSC]. In 2004, Jutrzenka bought the Polish Goplana brand from Nestle and a factory in Poznan, Poland, and a year later it began working closely with Kaliszanka – The Grzeski wafer manufacturer. Following the new trends and continuous introduction of product innovation allows the company to be an important player in the global market. Since joining the European Union in 2004, the company has taken several actions to build a distribution network and increased sales on the EU market and make the most of every opportunity to access new sources of raw materials.  

Odra S.A. [Oder JSC] Company’s history dates back to 1946, when the production of caramels and dragées was started. The plant went through successive stages of development, production of milk chocolates known as Krowki Matylda and sesame halva were started. Around 1957-1958, the production of chocolate products and dragée-like products was started. In 1970, the company began to produce chewing gum in dragees, and two years later in sticks. Within the years 1975-1976 the production of chocolate candies was launched. Currently Odra’s offer includes among others: caramels, milk chocolates, dragées, pralines filled with different flavours of creams, boxes of chocolates, halva and sesame snaps. Odra S.A. belongs to Zaklady Przemyslu Cukierniczego Otmuchow S.A. [The Otmuchow Confectionery Plant JSC].

In 1952, in Lublin, Poland, Firma Cukiernicza Solidarnosc [The Solidarity Confectionery Company] was founded, which in the early sixties has developed the world-famous Sliwka Naleczowska [Naleczow Plum] – the pride of the manufacturer. In 1994, Firma Cukiernicza Solidarnosć has launched chocolates with hazelnut cream - Golden Hazelnut. The greatest asset of the company is the quality of its products, which was achieved thanks to modern production technologies and their own recipes. In 2003, the company has invested in modern production lines and built a new hall. In the same year, it launched one of the most modern, in Europe, production lines for boxes of chocolates and pralines with liquid liqueur and chocolates with cherry liqueur. Currently, the excellent products of Firma Cukiernicza Solidarnosć  are present in markets around the world.

The RARYTAS [Delicacy] company was founded in 1960 as a company functioning within the structure of CZSS Spolem [Together], producing baked goods, such as biscuits and sandwich cookies. In 1974 the production of original crackers was started, they were small and  characterized by a variety of shapes and flavours, which are sold successfully to this day both at home and abroad. In 1994 the plant was privatized, and the main shareholder was a company with foreign capital, since June 2000, the RARYTAS company has only Polish capital, which has allowed it to stabilize its market position. Currently it produces biscuits, sandwich cookies and crackers.

The "Chojecki" company was founded in 1979 by Maria Chojecki and Janusz Chojecki in Skierniewice, Poland. From the beginning high quality products were a priority for the company. To obtain this, recipes were improved, semi-finished products were carefully selected and improvements to production methods have been introduced. Customers appreciate the passion of the owners and the exceptional attention to quality. The "Chojecki" brand quickly gained a good reputation and a leading position in the local market. As a result of continuous development, more than 30 years of experience and improvements, the company has evolved from a small confectionery company into a large food company, producing shortbread, gingerbread, sponge fingers and biscuits,  present on the Polish market and on more than 40 foreign markets, located in 6 continents.

The Millano Company has been on the market for over a quarter of a century, since it started its business, based in Przezmierowo, Poland, in 1982. Ten years later the company opened a production hall for shaping chocolate bars. In 1996 Millano set in motion one of the most modern production lines for chocolate mass and covertures in the country - numerically controlled, and can produce 100 tons of mass per day. The year 2000 was  a breakthrough year - Millano becomes co-owner of the Pomorzanka Slupsk Company, thereby extending its offer with a wide range of products: hard candies, jelly products and chocolate-covered products. Another important date is 2006, when one of the most modern manufacturing facilities in the confectionery industry was commissioned, which meets the highest international standards in production and work safety. At the same time the machine fleet was extended with production lines of the latest generation and packaging machines. During this time, combining tradition with acquired experience and modern technology, the company created Baron Excellent brands, thanks to which it became an important participant in the market for chocolate products.

3 Topole [The 3 Poplars] company was founded in 1984 and up until today is managed by Zbigniew Luksza. At the beginning all the products were manufactured by hand, and the company was a small family business. The purchase of a technological line for the production of wine gums and shaped jellies allowed for a significant increase in turnover and placing the company in the leading position among the manufacturers of these products in the country. Within the 25 years of existence, the company has evolved from a small family business into a modern enterprise. This story shows that if you want to achieve something and you are permanently committed to this, your dreams do come true.  

EUROVITA currently manages the following brands: Terravita, Terravita KIDS, Cocoacara, Alpinella. And what were the origins of their activity? The company was founded in 1991. During the  first years it operated under the name of Greenvita Sp. z o. o. [Greenvita LLC]. The basic profile of its activities was the production and distribution of chocolate products. From the beginning the company's offer consisted of two main categories of products: chocolate bars and chocolate creams. The company also noticed niche market opportunities, and therefore a wide range of seasonal products for Christmas and Easter were introduced. At present it occupies a permanent place among manufacturers of chocolate products. In early 1999, the company changed its name to Terravita Sp. z o. o. [Terravita LLC] and since then both the production company name and the brand of its products have remained the same. Continuous strengthening of the brand prestige has allowed the company to be successful in sales, which contributed to its dynamic development. Based on in-depth market knowledge, the company regularly conducts activities aimed at fine tuning its offer to the expectations of consumers. Taking care to build the broadest, the most widespread sales, starting in September 2001, Terravita entrusted the distribution of its products to EUROVITA, and since January 2002 EUROVITA watches the whole offer.

Zaklady Produkcji Cukierniczej VOBRO [VOBRO Confectionery Manufacturing Plant] has been functioning in Brodnica for more than 20 years. The area is Pojezierze Brodnickie [Brodnica Lake District] – an ecologically clean area. Since its inception, it has only Polish capital. The main VOBRO products are, boxes of chocolates, cakes and candies, and are known throughout Poland as well as in many European countries - in fact one third of its production is exported. The experience of the crew as well as equipment and technologies worthy of the twenty-first century and the selection of the best raw materials ensure VOBRO the highest standards of quality.

ZPC Mieszko S.A. [Mieszko Confectionery Plant JSC],  the start-up of the company, more than half a century ago, is a continuation of the confectionery industry tradition of Slazak and Raciborzanka confectionery plants. Since its inception, the company specializes in manufacturing chocolate products and caramel candies, while the acquisition of Spoldzielnia Walter [Walter Cooperative] in 2000 enabled the company to extend their offer with pastry products. The base of the company was extended with a manufacturing facility in Warsaw. Year 2011 was a breakthrough year for the company, when Mieszko finalized the acquisition of the Lithuanian company TB Investica, becoming the owner of Vilniaus Pergale. In July 2011 the company, already as Mieszko Group, signed an agreement to purchase the Lider Artur company, enabling entry into a new market category comprising of, among others, shortbread, sandwich cookies, gingerbread, or crackers. Continuous improvement of the quality management system applied in accordance with international standards is a guarantee of the quality policy. These activities aim at continuously increasing customer satisfaction with Mieszko products. The best-known Mieszko brands include: Zozole, Gumini, Amoretta, Chocoladorro, Cherrissimo, Amadoro, La Stella.

Dr. Gerard still until April 2011 operated under the name Lider'S-KG. The origins of the company date back to 1993 when a private production plant was established in the town of Lipiny Stare, Poland. Initially, only four types of short-pastry tarts and small, round gingerbread were included in a modest offer. Under favourable conditions of the market economy, the company has developed fast. Already in the first year of operation, having a semi-automated line, it launched the sale of approximately 50 types of new cookies, and is still greatly successful and very popular among consumers. In 1999 the company began an intensive process of modernization. At present the company has a fully automated production line, and the production range includes over 200 items. The production of cookies and chocolate products whose perfect quality is the result of combining traditional production methods of sweet products with advanced technology, available today, is the basis of the  Dr. Gerard company business. The best-known brands include: PryncyPalki, Kremisie, Mafijne, Pasja, Jaski, Maltikeks.  

Luzyckie Praliny Company [Lusatian Pralines] was founded in 1996 and is located in a picturesque area on the western Polish border in the town of Lubsko, Poland. From the very beginning of its operations export has been very important. The manufacturer specialises in private label products for Polish and western retail chains. Its business is the production of marzipan products, pralines (premium and popular ones), and fancy chocolate products.

Foreign consumers while buying sweets pay attention to their origins - the company's history, production technology, ingredients and traditional production methods, which make up the quality of the product. There's no denying that the price is also important, which is relatively low, considering the wonderful taste of Polish sweets.  

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