
Interview with Bogdan Piasecki, Owner of Mazurskie Miody/ Destylarnia Piasecki Group.

Tuesday, 07 June, 2016 Food From Poland 25/2016
Please tell us more about your distillery and your life passion.

The passion for distillation of spirits is the history of the Piasecki family, we used to own distilleries in the Polesie region. In the golden age of development in distillation, liqueurs and brandies used to be made in our Horodziec estate in Polesie. Later generations were brought up in the passion for the production of alcohol. I started over 50 years ago by setting up my first beehive. Then my first apiary came, and I continuously developed my apicultural skills over the years, until the passion became a business. Today, it is an efficiently operating family enterprise consisting of two business entities: Mazurskie Miody and Destylarnia Piasecki. Beside the closest family members, these companies employ the best specialists in marketing and fermentation technologies, as well as managers taken over from leading competitive companies. I am proud that these companies are a showcase of the Warmia and Masuria region, where pre-war tradition meets 21st-century modernity.

Polish meads are appreciated worldwide. How is the export developing? What is our advantage over the competitors?

Polish Mead and Vodka are our best products. Export products of the Mazurskie Miody company rely on the uniqueness of our products and their subtle, mild taste qualities. We present our products at the best exhibitions, such as: SIAL in China, Paris and New York; ANUGA in Cologne; Prowein in Düsseldorf; Alimentaria in Barcelona; PLMA in Amsterdam. The articles from Mazurskie Miody are recognized not only in Poland or in Europe but in Asia and America as well. As for the export hits, the most popular ones are: Piasecki Vodka, Masuria Vodka, Trójniak Mazurski, Grzaniec na miodzie, Honey Wine, Bairille, Piasecki Cherry flavoured vodka.

Mazurskie Miody has a wide offer. Which products enjoy the greatest popularity and what new products have appeared in the offer recently?

We listen to the needs and expectations of our customers. Trójniak Rycerski Markowy took trade chains by storm. It is sought after by the best stores and retail chains, as it is the only brand mead in Poland.

Bairille – honey distillate – is a unique, world-class, aged distillate of attenuated bees' honey. We obtain it using specialist distillation apparatus. Our tanks are located underground, which creates a perfect microclimate for the seasoning of products in oak barrels. It was just three months ago when the three-year period of seasoning in oak barrels of the first Polish whisky, prepared at Destylarnia Piasecki, passed.

The quantity produced is rather of collector nature, however, its superb taste and aroma qualities have been appreciated by the best tasters in this field. Our newest idea is a delicate-taste czwórniak with characteristics of mild white wine. This product is already present on the market: Honey Wine – czwórniak.

Honey vodka and mead – what is the difference?

Honey vodkas of the “Piasecki” series are flavoured vodkas made of rectified alcohol, enriched with an addition of honey and appropriate fruit juices. The most popular one is the “Piasecki Cherry” honey vodka, available in the best specialist stores. This product is also an export hit, particularly appreciated by Western European connoiseurs.

Mead is a beverage made of fermented honey. Our most popular brands of unsaturated mead include the varieties of trójniak: Castelo, Mazurski, Kresowy, Basztowy; dwójniak: Palacio Mel, Grunwaldzki, Warmiński; as well as półtorak: Rodowy and Piasecki.

The Trójniak Mazurski mead has won the Gold Medal at the Mazer Cup International, the largest international competition in the USA.

It is the most prestigious, and the world's largest, competition devoted to meads. It has been organized for over 90 years.

In this year's competition, in the category of traditional sweet meads, the Gold Medal was won by Trójniak Mazurski Niesycony Miód Pitny. It has a golden amber colour with a taste and scent of honey and discernible spices. It stands out among other meads due to the traditional technology applied on unbrewed honeywort.

Monika Dawiec

tagi: Bogdan Piasecki , Owner of Mazurskie Miody , Destylarnia Piasecki Group ,