Polish FMCG market

Let's talk about trade fairs...

Tuesday, 24 February, 2015
The possibility to promote products in the international arena is undoubtedly, an important element in every business that counts on exports. During the 2014 SIAL Paris trade exhibition, polish firms are looking for possibilities in trade talks and to establish new contacts. Why are products coming from the country on the Vistula river enjoying popularity in the international markets? Innovation and experience are the key assets of polish firms, which allow them to compete with the greatest players in the world.
The Key to Success in the International Market

The assortment of many Polish companies is synonymous to quality and taste, according to foreign partners, that is why we are enjoying an increasing interest. A wider variety of products from the whole country is being exported. Polish firms receive assistance from the Agricultural Market Agency, in promotions and attaining new business contracts, and with which food business operators can showcase themselves in SIAL Paris 2014 alongside  the largest players in this field. "From talks I've personally had with representatives in the Polish agri-food sector, it seems that, for a couple of years now, firms aim to diversify sales markets and this is a good trend. During the fairs, we support producers by advertising the whole stand or even through media commercials for specific food sectors. The national island not only serves to economically promote and present Poland, but above all to promote the productive potential and diversity of Polish food specialities produced by individual firms – participating on the national stand. Thanks to our cooperation with individual firms and branch organisations, the stands are larger and situated in one place. On a large scale we also prepare accompanying actions – culinary shows, seminars, business meetings, or even press conferences." - says Agnieszka Rembisz, Director in the International Co-operations Office at the  Agricultural Market Agency.

Additional Trade Possibilities

As emphasised by Robert Lesniak from the Meat Processing Plant ZACZYK – The SIAL Paris trade fair is the largest event, this year, in which they have the opportunity to meet and exchange common experiences with food market creators. For companies like ZACZYK, trade fairs are a place to meet new potential clients from all over the world, with whom, due to geographic limitations, multiple direct talks would be difficult. Participation in trade exhibitions are, undoubtedly, a possibility to promote not only the assortment in a given company's existing offer, but also new products. It's also an opportunity to exchange experiences and get to know the current trends and also, a chance to obtain information about the competition. "We decided to take part in the SIAL Paris fair, due to the scope and range of this event and also because of our plan to exist on the french market in 2015. Our goal is to get to know the reactions of our potential consumers to our products. This will be, among other things, a test for our ready meals, which have recently had their recipes changed. Moreover, we plan to get new, potential partners like: agents, distributors or commercial chains and also learn what our competitors are offering."- says Zenon Daniłowski, Director of Makarony Group Poland S.A.

Participating in these types of events, is definitely a big opportunity for companies. It is also a possibility to mark ones presence on the market, in which activity already exists, and establish new business contacts.  "We have been on the french market for many years. SIAL Paris is an excellent occasion to meet with current business partners, as well as new, potential contrahent parties." - says Adriana Bojczuk, from the Trade and Marketing Department, Skłodowscy Sp. z o. o.

The Polish Competitive Advantage

According to foreign contrahent parties, Polish companies are reliable business partners because they meet the expectations of international markets in, among other things, competitive offers. Zenon Daniłowski, Director of the Makarony Group Poland S.A., argues that his company is capable of offering to many foreign partners. He mentions, among other things, the short-term in executing orders, buffer warehouses, that is, the possibility to spread out the execution of orders over time, low production costs, which translate to the competitive prices and also, price guarantees in a given period. On the other hand, Waldemar Żółcik of ACTIV Sp. z o. o. highlights  that the key to success of the company he represents is the product – of the highest quality and the immense experience in the fruit sector. Indeed, ACTIV Sp. z o. o. for generations has been dealing with arboriculture.  Paulina Janicka, International Markets Manager of Krakowski Kredens Tradycja Galicyjska S.A. adds: "we focus primarily on quality – this is proven by the content of our products. The highest quality ingredients, limited additives, unforgettable taste – all this goodness  put in aesthetic packaging. On the market, our offer stands out, but also attention to detail in every element of sales is given – powerful and effective marketing, the style of the packaging, decor in the shops and the sales culture." Cooperation  with Polish companies, however, isn't limited solely to tradition and production based on traditional ingredients in modern processing plants. It is also the right approach to the client. "We are looking for competitive advantage in the products and also the approach to the client. We tailor our offer to clients' needs as is the mission of the company: 'The source of our success is a happy client.' We are flexible and we put great emphasis on creating possibilities for long-term cooperation."- says  Sławomir Pawłowski, President of  CSI SŁOWIANKA.

A step further

The foreign business partners of Polish producers expect, inter alia, the possibility for stable cooperation. To meet the needs of their clients, Polish firms have to be experienced and knowledgeable, which results, at a later stage, to high quality products, large production capacities and modern designs. During the SIAL Paris 2014 trade fair, Polish producers present a wide range in their offer. However, Agnieszka Rembisz, Director of the International Co-operations Office at the Agricultural Market Agency, thinks that the next step in conducting promotional activities, by Polish companies, should be inviting potential clients to Poland to visit their facilities. Also, the  Agricultural Market Agency is now supporting Polish producers in the growth of their businesses even beyond the events of exhibitions and fairs. "The food sector was selected as one of the most important branches of the 15 programmes promoting Polish export specialities. We have a special e-mail address (eksporter@arr.gov.pl), where we collect information and inquiries about situations in various sectors and specific trade offers, which we send to all promotional departments of foreign embassies and businesses who send us inquiries. Already, we are getting information from embassies and consulates with specific inquiries on offers. In this way, we are associating both sides, we want to expand this form of mediation." - adds  Agnieszka Rembisz, Director of the International Co-operations Office at the Agricultural Market Agency.

Katarzyna Ogonowska

tagi: trade , fair , poland , international , sial ,