
Quality without compromise – This is Krakowski Kredens's motto.

Tuesday, 24 February, 2015
Paulina Janicka, International Markets Manager of Krakowski Kredens talks about: regional recipes, sales growth on the international markets as well as novelty in their offer.
Krakowski Kredens has been on the market since 2007. How have the Polish and international markets, changed over the years?

In 2007, Krakowski Kredens started building a market in Poland for its brand. The window to the world was to exhibit and sell our products, to foreigners, in the newly opened airport in Kraków. In 2012, we made the decision to start looking for partners in the foreign market. The changes arising in the european markets reach Poland very fast, the trends are similar.

The Krakowski Kredens products are available in flagship stores, in the Alma chain of delicacies and on the online shop, Alma24. Your brand is positioned in the premium segment. Quality first?

Quality without compromise. In my opinion, all premium brands in each sector should be differentiated by its own quality. In food this is evident - the quality is on the label, giving information on the food content and can be read by conscious consumers. Of course in addition to this, the taste must be accepted by the consumer, which depends on the ingredients used, means of production and technology used. Did you know that pat butter formed by hand has a different taste to the same butter formed using commercial cubes?

Your brand includes products inspired by the cuisine of wealthy residents from the former regions of Galicia. Do you count on regional recipes?

We count on traditional Polish recipes, mainly from Galicia. We get examples from the cuisine of the inhabitants of bourgeois 19th century, because it was more exquisite and varied, compared to food eaten by peasants.

The Krakowski Kredens brand has widened its assortment to include snacks. Soon, you intend to include ecological cheese, among other things, to your offer? Please tell us about the new product range.

Yes, we really would like to include good cheese into our assortment, the highest quality. We are also working on the introduction of a range of exquisite fish products.

2013 was a successful year, the Group's turnover rose by over 7.7%. Are there signs of an increase in 2014 as well?

We are aiming for this, despite a deflation in the category of food articles. The first half of the year ended with positive results.

How are sales to the foreign markets developing, where can the Krakowski Kredens  products be bought?

At the moment, we cannot boast about spectacular achievements on the sales of our products to foreign markets. However, we have a number of small clients in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Paris, Scotland, and....Australia. These are often firms that have a relationship with Poland.
We have recently received support from European Union funds and are participating in the Branch Programme Promoting Polish Food Specialities – the project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme of Economic Innovation.
We have also taken part in trade fairs, exhibiting our products in Moscow, Kiev, Paris, Poznań and Abu Dhabi (UAE). Our goal is to awaken an interest in our products amongst foreign contractors and getting them to co-operate with us.

How is your co-operation with partners from abroad?

Like I said, our co-operation is small scale, but we are happy working with our partners.

In what way does Krakowski Kredens promote its products abroad? How important, to you, is  your presence in international trade fairs?

In 2012, we took part in the International Green Week fair in Berlin and in SIAL- Paris, as exhibitors.  Currently, thanks to funds from the European Union, we are able to display Polish food in five trade fairs. The presence in trade fairs, the possibility to establish contacts and finding foreign partners are currently important to us, because to a certain extent premium foods in the local market gets saturated.

Thank you for interview.
Tomasz Pańczyk

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