
Interview with Leszek Hojnor, President of the Board at Quadrum Foods

Friday, 19 October, 2018 Food From Poland 32/2018
Quadrum Foods runs its business activity in the range of frozen, and chilled fruits, vegetables as well as their preparations in the form of concentrated juices and purees. The company sells over 45 thousand tons of products per year with a turnover exceeding 65 million Euro per year. We talk with Leszek Hojnor, President of the Board.
How have you managed to achieve such success and what challenges had to be met in order to gain a solid position on the market?

Current consumer demands, regarding both Retail and B2B markets, require total engagement of the supplier in providing quality and repeatability of delivered products. We based our market activity on actions leading to this goal. Our Polish products, as well as all imported once, are manufactured in accordance with the worldwide recognized production standards.

We are constantly upgrading our standards, which were based on high internal quality demand, but today we work together with our clients to prepare a product almost customized. With today’s fierce competition we have decided to cooperate only with selected production facilities worldwide. In Poland we are cooperating mainly with Real SA group and together we aim at satisfying the needs of our business partners.

One of the chief factors leading to success must certainly have been showing the recipients positive aspects of cooperation with a supplier who is not afraid to talk about costs or reduction of  unnecessary cost generators, as well as encourage effectiveness of safeguarding long-term contracts based on cooperation with the banking sector, but also applying this methodology towards our suppliers, and this way build better synergies.

What countries are the main consumers of your products?

Our main partners are divided into several groups. The most important sector is the production of fruit preparation for yogurts and bakery. The second one includes producers of jams, preserved and prepared dishes. Another one includes juice and beverages producers.

A very important part of our sales is the production of private label brands for retail chains worldwide, and the successful introduction of our own brand Golden Garden into food service and retail markets.

Which markets are for your company the most prospective? And which ones are still hard to reach? What is the reason for this?

We sell to about 70 countries worldwide but we see the biggest perspectives in the dedicated production to individual markets with requirements that are different than our European standards with regards to the application of pesticides and microbiology.

 The perspective is to be apt to deliver special products for individual customers mainly overseas consumers including American, Chinese and Indian markets.

A hindrance here is still the limited accessibility of products fulfilling such requirements.

What goals have you set for the coming future? What is the biggest challenge in your business activity?

The biggest challenge is the increase, or in the worst scenario, maintenance of the current position in the existing group of customers with a focus on reaching additional sources of distribution on a new growing sale market; cooperation with customers in the creation of new products and their systematic introduction onto the market;

keeping a strong financial position helping in independent financing of a big part of production;

taking care of all links in our long supplier chain; a rational increase of sales is self-evident, though some thought has to be given to properly adopt the assortment to the progressive market changes.

As of 2010 the company has been selling frozen products also under the private label ‘Golden Garden’. How is this part of your operation growing?

Since the beginning our aim has been to introduce into circulation products of high quality and  constantly improving it monitoring and focusing on the market demand. On today basis fruits and fruit mixes constitute 70% of our Golden Garden range, leaving the remaining part to single packed vegetables or mixes.

 In comparison to competition we are distinguished on the market by delivering a full range of fruits in the Golden Garden brand. Since its introduction we have constantly been increasing the share of exotic fruits, and we can proudly say, that on today basis, Golden Garden products come from 6 continents.

In the near future we would like to exceed the limit of 10,000 tons of goods labeled in our Golden Garden brand.

Thank you very much for the interview.

tagi: Leszek Hojnor , Quadrum Foods ,