Polish food companies

Asseco Business Solutions S.A.

Monday, 13 February, 2023
Over 20 years experience in FMCG, deployments in dozens of countries worldwide, several hundred FMCG customers B2B... this is Asseco Business Solutions!
We are a software provider, focused internationally on supporting the sales process of FMCG companies.
We offer a set of comprehensive solutions for sales excellence in the industry. Retail tech is our superpower!

We use in our apps smart IT technology e.g.: Artificial Intelligence AI, Recommendation System, Augmented Reality AR, Image Recognition based on computer vision, Digital audit of merchandising.

Our Omnichannel Platform for FMCG empowers consumer goods manufacturers across multiple countries and sales channels.It enables them to increase sales, optimise cost-to-serve and digitalise their business.

Konrada Wallenroda 4c St.
20-607 Lublin, Poland
+48 81 535 30 00

tagi: Asseco Business Solutions , food market , sales , trade , consumer , FMCG , wholesale , retail , food products , news , new products , food industry , retail chains , grocery stores , Poland ,