Mokate Group A Strategy for the Future

Thursday, 09 February, 2023 Food From Poland 40/2023
An interview with Dr. Adam Mokrysz, the President of the Mokate Group and Dr. Katarzyna Mokrysz, CEO.
5.jpgHow does Mokate fare in the changing realities of the market? What strategy of further business development have you assumed for the months or maybe years to come?

Adam Mokrysz: We like challenges that require bold and visionary action. With our experience and persistence, we are able to meet such challenges and expand successfully on international markets. Our exports comprise more than 70% of the Group’s revenues. Its further development is possible because we have focused on the innovativeness and quality of our offer, as well as on consistent building of durable business relations.

Being true to tradition and to family values has been the basis for the hitherto development of the Mokate business. Can the family character of the company help in the management and further development of such an immense enterprise as the Mokate Group?

Katarzyna Mokrysz: We have already operated under the Mokate brand for 32 years. Currently, we are an international enterprise, with a turnover exceeding one billion zlotys, and yet we have managed to remain a family company. For many years, we have been building a corporate culture based on respect for family values and traditions, as well as on the work ethos. At the Mokate factories in Poland and the Czech Republic, we employ more than 1,500 people, including entire families.

The technological progress is accompanied by innovativeness in products and technology. Please tell us about the innovative implementation process at the Mokate Group.

A.M.: Innovativeness and quality are Mokate’s keys to success. Markets never stand still, they evolve all the time. One has to keep a close eye on the changing consumer behaviour and keep up with it, or sometimes even anticipate it. It is worth trying to create new trends on your own, too. New flavours and new aromas are being worked out at our laboratories. We constantly develop the department of specialist raw materials for the food industry, such as milk-fat mixes, components for ice cream production, whiteners, or frothing agents. This would have been impossible without our investment in the Żory plant, one of the most modern structures of such type in our continent. It has an immense capacity of 79,000 square meters, which could accommodate 35 Olympic swimming pools.

Sustainable business development is a very important direction, especially if we think about the next generations. How does Mokate perceive this trend?

K.M.: Mokate Group of Companies wishes to care for the good and future of our planet, hence we put much emphasis on broadly understood ethical and ecological issues. We make all efforts to be able to develop in a sustainable manner, which is why we search for ground-breaking solutions based on science and modern technology.

Let us talk about the market. How do the coffee and tea markets in Poland look today?

A.M.: Thanks to the introduction of new product lines, our shares in the tea and coffee market segment are continually growing. However, it is not just percentage points that matters to us. An important thing is to maintain as high quality as possible because it is quality that defines Mokate. Watching the changing trends, we have strongly and successfully developed the operation of our online store.

Mokate is one of the largest coffee and tea manufacturers in Central-Eastern Europe. How does the development of the company look in the export area, also in the context of the current geopolitical situation?

A.M.: The Mokate Group has become an international organization due to its quickness in operation and flexibility. We manage to meet the high expectations of customers all around the world. We have an individual approach to each market, as every one of them has its own peculiarities. We take a long-term perspective and focus on many years of consistent work. We care about stable and trust-based business relations. Our portfolio includes more than 50 product lines, including such well-known brands as Mokate, Loyd, New York Coffee, Carmen, Dobra Kaloria*.

Thank you for the interview.

tagi: Mokate Group , food market , sales , trade , consumer , FMCG , wholesale , retail , food products , news , new products , food industry , retail chains , grocery stores , Poland ,