Poland keeps exporting more and more food

Thursday, 03 February, 2022 Food From Poland 38/2022
According to the data of the National Support Centre for Agriculture (KOWR), the value of exports of agri-food products from Poland between January and October 2021 increased by 6.7% in relation to 2020. Meat is the most frequently exported commodity, and Germany remains the main trade partner.
„The increase in exports resulted from the abolition of restrictions in international trade after the lockdown in the first half of the year, the growing economic activity of Polish entrepreneurs, the good preparation of domestic companies for functioning under the pandemic conditions, as well as the sustained demand for Polish products,” the KOWR reported.

Additionally, the price competitiveness of Polish agri-food products was supported by the PLN/EUR exchange rate, favourable to exporters. The good results were also caused by economic recovery in the countries of Poland’s major trade partners. Polish food predominantly reaches EU countries – over 72% of earnings from agri-food exports were obtained from sales to the Community countries. EUR 22 billion worth of goods were sold there (an 8% increase) in comparison with the analogous period of 2020.

tagi: export , food , FMCG , KOWR ,