

Wednesday, 19 February, 2020
ARGO Sp. z o.o. pursues the project entitled „Argo’s Exports Expansion” through participation in the Polish food specialties promotion program called Supporting SMEs in Product Brand Promotion – GO TO BRAND, Within the Intelligent Development 2014-2020 Operational Program, Priority Axis No. 3 Support for Innovation in Companies.

The main aims of the project are: promoting Polish product brands, establishing new business contacts, strengthening of the positive company and existing business contacts image. The project’s aims are in line with the assumptions of the priority Axis No. 3. The goal is to increase the competitiveness of Polish SME companies by internationalizing their business activities. The results of the project in the form of established cooperation with foreign partners as well as the product brand promotion will be of great importance for the development of the export activity of the Argo company. The above will strenghthen its competitiveness and market position on the international arena.

Project value: 529 075.00 PLN

Project’s EU co-financing: 264 537.50 PLN

tagi: SMEs , Argo , Got , to , Brand , Program ,