Value of polish confectionery market

Tuesday, 30 January, 2018 Food From Poland 30/2018
According to data by Nielsen, the value of the confectionery and snacks market, including savoury snacks and ice cream, exceeds PLN 17 billion. As for the confectionery (chocolate products, cakes and pastry), we manufacture more than 700,000 tons annually. In addition to the internal market, the production of sweets in Poland is mainly driven by exports. This is the driving force and the greatest chance for the Polish confectionery industry.
Between 2012 and 2016, exports of Polish confectionery increased by almost 79.5%. Currently, the value of Polish exports is approx. PLN 6 billion. According to estimates by independent sources, Poland is the world’s eighth largest confectionery exporter, with a share of approx. 4.8% in 2016.

The main export direction of Polish sweets comprises the European Union countries. They account for more than 70% of exports. The largest recipient is Germany, accounting for almost 21% of confectionery in 2016. The three following countries – the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, and France – purchased, in total, more than 27% of sweet specialties sold by Poland.

Besides the EU, Polish confectionery reaches such countries as the USA, Canada, China, India, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey, or Russia. Each year, the export value of Polish confectionery is rising. It is worth pointing out that for several years, sweets have occupied the first position in the export of highly-processed Polish agri-food products. For many years, chocolate products have had the greatest share in confectionery exports, both in terms of quantity and value. We have excellent products and excellent technologies. We compete not just with price but, above all, with quality.

The chocolate and confectionery industry in Poland is among the most modern ones in Europe. Beginning in the 1990s, the production capacity has been strongly expanded in Poland. Apart from foreign investments involved in the construction of factories from scratch and the modernization of existing large factories, many smaller companies have also emerged, being often rooted in craftmanship and representing a rich tradition and high qualification levels. Leading Polish manufacturers have also expanded and are still modernizing their factories.

The confectionery industry is a very innovative segment. We estimate between 20% and 30% of all products of the chocolate and confectionery sector to be innovative products.

We are constantly searching for new products, responding to trends, consumer demand, fashion – for instance, there is increased demand today for healthy products: with reduced energy value, with reduced sugar or fat content, enriched with vitamins and mineral ingredients, with nut, dried fruit or grain additives, so-called seasonal (holiday) products: figurines and sets, as well as so-called premium products or limited editions. Both manufacturers and consumers today place much emphasis on conscious consumption. Therefore, there will surely be an increase in the share of products with diverse packaging (portions) sizes, from those for one-off consumption to larger, family packages or resealable ones, intended for consumption within a longer period or in a larger group of family or friends.

I can say without a doubt that the Polish confectionery industry can satisfy the requirements of every consumer and meet the high expectations of both Polish and foreign contractors.

We invite you to come for Polish sweets!

Marek Przeździak
President of the Management Board
Association of Polish Manufacturers

tagi: polish confectionery market , Marek Przeździak , POLBISCO ,