Polish food companies

Dega SA

Monday, 12 June, 2017
Dega Spółka Akcyjna has been in business since 1992. The company specialises in the production of mayonnaise salads, fried fish in Greek sauce, sterilised canned products and sandwich spreads. Delicate and unique flavour combined with high quality is a considerable asset in shaping the culinary preferences of consumers.
The company has an implemented, maintained and certified integrated Quality Management System for compliance with the requirements of IFS and BRC, the proper operation of which is determined by i.a.: implementation of HACCP product health safety.

During the 20 years of our operation we have been awarded numerous prizes, awards and certificates. The most important of them include: “Teraz Polska” (Now Poland) promotional logo, which is under the patronage of the President of Poland and “Poznaj Dobrą Żywność” (Try Fine Food).

Dega S.A.
5 Karnieszewice
76-004, Sianów, Poland
Phone: +48 94 36 15 100
Fax: +48 94 36 15 105

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