We ask the representative of Brześć Company about export hits, accomplishments in 2015 and plans for the year 2016.

Thursday, 28 January, 2016 Food From Poland 24/2016
The quality and taste of Polish confectionery is appreciated all over the world. What determines this?

Polish confectioneries are conquering more and more foreign markets, due to two key aspects – high quality at relatively low prices. The most popular exported products are produced based on traditional homemade recipes and natural ingredients. It is also worth mentioning that the quality and taste of the indigenous sweets is largely influenced by the consumers, who are becoming more aware and have higher requirements in terms of product composition.

In which countries, are your products available at present. Are you planning to get into some other markets?

Currently, Brześć products can be purchased in several continents. Our products reach consumers in countries like: United States, Canada, China, Germany, United Kingdom, Russia, Latvia and Estonia. Intensification of the cooperation with foreign contactors is one of our priorities in 2016. Hence, we are promoting our brand by regularly participating in the most prestigious international trade fairs. This usually gives us new commercial contacts and in long term perspective - new contracts and markets. Currently, a tempting perspective for us is to get into the Middle East countries with the Brześć delicacies.

“Puff Straw” does not have any counterpart in European markets, which gives it a big advantage over other confectioneries. What determines the popularity of this product on foreign markets and particularly, in which country is it most popular?

Puff Straw form Brześć is conquering the foreign markets, just because of the fact that for the consumers from foreign markets, it has a sort of exotic taste. The original and interesting taste, combined with the recipe based on natural ingredients is the key to success of our straws. The greatest fans of puff straw produced by our company, include consumers from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Please tell us about other ZPC Brześć products, which are a hit in exports?

Puff pastry croutons and puff straw are our basic products, which we export, and intend to develop further in this direction. That is the reason, we hope that other variety of products will also be “Hits” in export, which we are currently working very hard on.

How was 2015 for ZPC Brześć?

Primarily, last year was very busy, but also very successful. In the last 12 months, we invested in production mechanization - we were able to start a second production line for our flagship products made from choux pastry i.e. puff pastry croutons and puff straws. We mechanized the packaging process, which is currently an automatic cycle. The year 2015 for Brześć was also a period for developing cooperation with Polish and foreign retail chains, especially in developing privet labels. Hence, we increased the level of export sales. Our cooperation resulted in achieving very good financial results – we closed the year 2015 with the expected increase in revenues.

Plans for 2016 are…

… further development of cooperation with trading partners, especially in the private label segment, and conquering new markets. Certainly, we will not miss the most important industry events. I think that 2016 will bring several challenges, which will have to be faced by the confectionery market. Here, I am thinking about persistent market fragmentation, which results in high competition, unstable price of raw materials, high cost of marketing and advertising, and an inflow of cheap confectionery from Ukraine. However, similar to past years, we will try to cautiously observe the market environment, in order to react intelligently to the changes and stand out from the competition.

Thank you.

tagi: Brześć , export , plans , products ,