Polish consumer preferences

Tuesday, 26 January, 2016 Food From Poland 24/2016
3.5 kg – this is how much sweets an average Pole consumes within a year. More than €3,25 billion – this is the value of the Polish confectionery market. Over 70% of this value is export. Polish sweets are exported to more than 60 countries worldwide.
But how does the sweets market look like in Poland? Polish confectionery market is fragmented and difficult. We have many manufacturers, so there is growing competition. Over the recent years, there have been constant changes – larger companies take over the famous brands and invest in factories, because the competition is very strong, and the market is continuously growing. With such a huge product range, customers become very demanding and expect high quality at a good price. Standards are set high, but the competition, if interpreted in a positive way, is a motivation to action and continuous improvement. On the one hand, the industry is consolidating because by joining forces, small producers may be rescued, but on the other hand, many companies are trying to compete alone, watching market demand carefully and responding to it.

The Polish sweets market comprises the following segments – chocolate products, cookies and wafers as well as candies and lollipops. Chocolate products are the most popular sweets among Polish consumers. Impulse products – candy bars and wafers are the biggest chocolate category. Bars of chocolate remain the second largest chocolate category. The Poles also enjoy cookies and wafers - in the past year this product group grew most rapidly. Within this product group, impulse wafers without chocolate, round biscuits with chocolate cream filling and biscuits were the best growing segments. On the other hand, candies and lollipops noted a decline whereas, in contrast, jellies experienced a surge.


According to the survey made by TGI Millward Brown SMG/KRC, in the period April 2014 – March 2015, 79.2% of Poles declared that they consume chocolate bars. Among the most commonly consumed chocolate brands, the first place with a score of 35.04% was taken by Wedel. The second place was taken by Milka (23.13%), the third place by Alpen Gold (17.13%), the fourth by Wawel (12.30%), the fifth by Goplana (8.50%). Further five brands specified by respondents are Nussbeiser (4.92%), Terravita (3.34%), Nestle (3.00%), Kinder Chocolate (2.81%) and Lindt (2.69%).

56.6% of respondents declared consuming wafers covered with chocolate. Grześki (Colian) received most, i.e. 33.00% of the votes. The second place in this category was taken by Prince Polo wafers (Mondelez) – 27.60%, the third place was taken by Princessa from Nestle (18.98%). Further places were taken by Góralki with a score of 12.66%, Kinder Bueno (6.17%), Knoppers (6.12%), Kit-Kat (5.66%), and other brands.

59.6% of Poles declared consuming pre-packed cookies. From among the most frequently consumed brands, respondents mention Delicje Szampańskie – LU (18.00%) , Wafle Familijne – Jutrzenka (13.34%), Biscuits with jelly covered with chocolate – Wedel (10.65%), Jeżyki – Jutrzenka (8.94%), Pieguski (7.61%), Pierniczki Alpejskie – Wedel (5.63%). Further five places, with results below 5%, were taken by Pryncypałki – Dr. Gerard (4.69%), Deserowe – Krakuski (4.00%), Kokosowe – Krakuski (3.96%), Toruńskie Pierniczki – Kopernik (3.94%) and Gingerbread covered with chocolate – Bahlsen (3.27%).

56.9% of Poles interviewed declared consuming candy bars. Snickers bar, with a score of 25.11%, is the leader. Mars scored 12.35% of the votes, Pawełek scored 11.38%, Lion (10.03%), Twix (9.89%), 3 Bit scored 8.82%. From among the bars, respondents selected Bounty, Bajeczny, Milky Way, Kinder Mleczna Kanapka, Maciek, Danusia and other brands.

Pre-packed chocolate products (assorted, boxes of chocolates) were bought by a little more than 50% of Polish respondents. Ptasie Mleczko – Wedel is mentioned as among the most often purchased brand, 26.28% . Further positions were taken by Mieszanka Wedlowska, Raffaello – Ferrero, Merci, Toffifee, Alpejskie Mleczko – Milka, Mieszanka Krakowska – Wawel, Michałki zamkowe – Wawel, Kinder Surprise – A chocolate egg with a surprise – Ferrero, Michałki of Hanka, Michaszki – Mieszko, Tiki Taki – Wawel, Plums covered with chocolate – Goplana and other brands.

Both Polish and foreign consumers appreciate Polish tradition as part of these sweets. High quality production, modern factories and a wide range of typically Polish products are assets of this sector. In recent years, despite the crisis, Poles do not save on sweets. At the same time, manufacturers are alluring consumers with even better traditional flavors, as well as new products that are quickly welcomed by Polish sweet lovers.

tagi: Polish sweets , export ,