
Alimentaria gets going with new industries suited to consumer trends

Thursday, 03 December, 2015
Alimentaria is all set for its forthcoming edition, to take place from 25 to 28 April 2016 in Fira de Barcelona’s Gran Vía venue. The International Food and Drink Exhibition is preparing for its fortieth anniversary with a far-reaching reconceptualisation of its exhibition range and a stronger strategic position in gastronomy, restaurant and food services and hotels and catering in order to guarantee maximum representation for exhibiting companies and to reflect new consumer trends and habits.
Multiple Foods joins diverse shows, streamlined from 14 to 5, and orders the exhibition range by origin, type and trend

The Alimentaria Hub and The Alimentaria Experience incorporate new innovative and gastronomic content

Alimentaria 2016 reaches its 40th year as a partner of the Spanish food industry

Therefore, together with driving-force industries such as Intervin, Interlact and Restaurama and long-standing shows such Interlact, Alimentaria 2016 promotes Multiple Foods to accommodate multi-product companies from the confectionary, preserves and oil industries, and international and regional participation. It also welcomes foods from the Mediterranean Diet and functional, ecological, organic and Premium foods. New spaces supported by the core objectives of the show: to promote business, innovation and the internationalisation of participating companies, and to highlight the values and attributes of food brands.

As a result, Alimentaria is streamlining its shows from 14 in previous editions to 5 this time around, whilst also increasing the participation potential of exhibiting companies based around new consumer cores and trends. Multiple Foods, the new show of food trends and special and functional projects, adds Alimentación Ecológica, Olivaria, Expoconser, Interpesca, the International Pavilions, Lands of Spain, Snacks, Biscuits & Confectionary, Mediterranean Foods, Healthy Foods and Fine Foods, along with the Premium zone and the Olive Oil Bar.

Restaurama, meanwhile, integrates Expobebidas and will welcome Congelexpo companies.

Given that meat products, wines and gastronomy lead the Spanish food industry, these sectors will form the backbone of the event. Yet at the same time, “Alimentaria is strengthening the best production of the Mediterranean diet, preserves, confectionary and the rest of the production areas, grouping them together with other related areas to give exhibitors the chance to multiply their synergies,” asserts J. Antoni Valls, the managing director of Alimentaria and the maximum authority at the show.

Internationalisation, innovation and gastronomy

The activities at Alimentaria 2016 aim to detect and promote overseas business opportunities and drive innovation in the industry, as well as strengthening the connections between gastronomy, industry and tourism.

The show has already set its promotion campaign in motion around the world as it aims to identify and attract emerging markets and European countries, above all. Internationalisation is still a priority for Alimentaria and is in line with the Spanish food industry’s objectives, which propose stronger exports, moving from 22.6 billion euros in 2013 to 46 billion euros in 2020.

The internationalisation programmes, as well as the activities related to Innovation, will once again occupy a place at The Alimentaria Hub, which features the all-new consultancy area for those companies wishing to start exporting. Other content in this major area of innovation and internationalisation include the Innoval and Best Pack exhibitions, the Food & Drink Business Meetings and the RDI meetings by FIAB (the Spanish Food and Drink Industry Federation), Coffees with Experts by ICEX (the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade), the International Congress of the Mediterranean Diet, the Creating Shared Value Congress, by Nestlé, the Food Factory space for start-ups and Business Angels, and the bloggers’ meeting.

Within the framework of the Restaurama show, The Alimentaria Experience – a major area of Alimentaria’s gastronomic trends – looks forward to its second edition as it strengthens well-received activities such as the gastronomic workshops and classes, featuring participation from eminent figures in international cuisine, the showcooking stations, the gastronomic bookstore and the grand finale of the Chef of the Year Awards. This interactive and creative space welcomes new sections devoted to gastronomic tourism, baked goods, patisserie products and ice-creams; cocktails, snacking and the latest trends in gastronomy: food trucks and urban food.

40 years serving the industry

Next year Alimentaria turns 40. For four decades the show has contributed to driving the most important changes occurring in the food industry and in our eating habits.

In 1976, Spain’s economy and commerce started to take off within a new and booming socio-political framework. The very same year Alimentaria materialised from the needs of a country in transition and the enterprise of a series of names searching for a platform to launch, provide visibility to and acknowledge the food industry – one of the liveliest in the Spanish economy. For the first time, a Spanish trade fair exhibited a complete and transversal range for the food industry and its production process to a national market, creating at that time the first Organising Committee made up of figures from the branch of distribution and the food industry.

The Committee has played a key role over the years in the design of the general guidelines that have ushered Alimentaria towards its current position as a leader. Chaired once again by Josep-Lluís Bonet, also the chairman of Freixenet, Fira de Barcelona and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, new additions include Menéndez de Luarca, manager of the Food and Gastronomy Division of ICEX Spain Exports and Investment and Xavier Pagès, chairman of the Spanish Wine Federation and managing director of Codorniu, S.A. The other members are made up of Ignacio Ferrero, chairman of the Board of Directors at Idilia Foods, S.L; Jesús S. Pérez Díaz, chairman of FoodDrinkEurope; Javier Robles, chairman of Danone, S.A; Juan Mª Vieites, chairman of Anfaco/Cecopesca; Pedro Astals, chairman of FIAB; Josep Mª Bonmatí, managing director of Aecoc; Laurent Dereux, managing director of Nestlé España, S.A; Silvio Elías de Gispert, managing director of Ecoveritas, S.A; Juan José Guibelalde, board member of the Campofrío Group; Gonzalo Guillén, managing director of Aceites del Sur-Coosur S.A.; José Carlos Lacasa, board member of Chocolates Lacasa; Antonio Llorens, chairman and managing director of Serunión Elior; Jaime Rodríguez, managing director of Euromadi; and Josep Tejedo, managing director of Mercabarna. 

tagi: Alimentaria 2016 , Fira de Barcelona’s Gran Vía , International Food and Drink Exhibition ,