
Biofix - natural source of vitality

Friday, 23 October, 2015 Food From Poland 23/2015
BiFIX company specialises in production of fruit tea, herbal tea, as well as presentation of dried fruits and drying technology. BiFIX was set up on the initiative of the owners themselves. The company was formed from fruit farm owned by the founder of new enterprise i.e. its President Wojciech Piasecki.
BiFIX company specialises in production of fruit tea, herbal tea, as well as presentation of dried fruits and drying technology. BiFIX was set up on the initiative of the owners themselves. The company was formed from fruit farm owned by the founder of new enterprise i.e. its President Wojciech Piasecki.

Products with Bi Fix brand name are known from their high quality and reasonable price. Recognition and strong market position is a consequence of the highest quality of our products. We take greatest satisfaction in high opinion offered by the growing number of our clients, who value healthy food products.

Our company was set up in 1992. We are brand new, but dynamically developing manufacturer of tea. We have broad experience in production of tea, as we were the first manufacturer of fruit tea in Poland. Our products are manufactured exclusively from natural resources, which grow on our own fruit farm plantations. Our clients are also invited to taste the highest quality herbal tea, green tea, red tea, as well as black tea. We also offer wide range of ecological products, we make every efforts to guarantee high quality of our fruits and to introduce each year new kinds of wholesome fruit mixtures. We are very proud to inform, that in 2007 we were awarded with the golden Laur Konsumenta award in Green Tea category. Thanks to support from our clients, we also enjoyed that success the following year. In 2008 we were awarded with golden medal in Herbal tea category and silver medal in Fruit tea category. Our work devoted to continuous improvement of quality and functionality of our products was appreciated by experts – in 2011 we were awarded with Dobra Marka 2011 award in Tea category, and in 2012 with Dobra Marka 2012 award for Bi Fix brand..

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